Saint Martin Jubilee 2016

The year 2016 marks the 1700 years anniversary since the birth of Saint Martin in 316, as well as the 40 years anniversary of the foundation of the Community of Saint Martin in 1976. For this reason, the Community has decided to celebrate a special Martinian Jubilee between June 25th and November 16th.

At the invitation of don Paul Préaux, General Moderator of the Community of Saint Martin, everyone is welcome to to participate in the celebration of this jubilee in the basilica of Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre in Paris on Saturday November 5th. The celebration will begin with a jubilee procession at 14.00 at the basilica, followed at 15.00 by a solemn Mass of thanksgiving for the 40 years anniversary of the Community.

For those who won’t have the possibility to come to Paris, it is still possible to be united spiritually to the celebration of the Martinian Jubilee by using the prayers below:

The Pilgrim’s Prayer for the Year of Saint Martin 2016 :

Saint Martin, witness of Jesus Christ,

teach us to experience the encounter with the Father

in the depth of our heart,

in the silence and welcoming of the Word of God.

Help us to recognise the face of Jesus in all persons

in order to serve and love him freely.

Grant us to be able to manifest the joy

of living in the freedom of the Holy Spirit,

by going out of ourselves

in order to reach out to the peripheries of our time.

Saint Martin, intercede for us:

that we may be authentic disciples of Christ the merciful,

dead and risen in order to share his life with us.

And entrust to our Father in Heaven

all the intentions that we carry.

Bernard-Nicolas AUBERTIN, O.Cist,
Archbishop of Tours, the 134th successor of Saint Martin

Prayer for the Jubilee of the Community of Saint Martin

Saint Martin,

We place ourselves with a renewed faith

under your protection,

and we give thanks to God

for the wonders that he has accomplished in you.

You shared your cloak with the beggar,

you searched God in prayer and solitude,

you announced the Gospel wherever you went,

you showed that the eucharist

is at the source of all charity,

and you have given yourself until the end for the service of the Church.

Grant us, we ask you with all our heart,

to be able to see Christ in the poor,

to search Him in the silence of prayer,

to announce him to the people of our time,

to celebrate Him with fervour

in the mystery of the eucharist,

and to serve Him by giving ourselves for the Church.

Sancte Martine, ora pro nobis!